
Poetry 2047 album now available!

The new poetry album by me Benjamin Robinson is now on sale in the store as a digital download for just £3.99. The album has over 41 tracks. This contains poems from my first poetry book Alas the day.

Poetry music album – tracklisting 41 poems

01 Blank.mp3
02 Alas the day.mp3
03 Blank.mp3
04 Amazing poem.mp3
05 Educated poem.mp3
06 Good life poem.mp3
07 He entered through a window
08 If humanity could be poem.mp3
09 In the wind poem country.mp3
10 Out of the darkness poem.mp3
11 Play fair poem with piano.mp3
12 Reticence and recalcitrance poem.mp3
13 Rise poem.mp3
14 Starlight and universe poem.mp3
15 Say it poem.mp3
16 Rain drops falling poem.mp3
17 Peace and love poem.mp3
18 Of my heart poem.mp3
19 I miss you.mp3
20 In time poem.mp3
21 I walk in the shadows poem.mp3
22 Did the mountain poem.mp3
16 Rain drops fall
23 Forevermore.mp3
24 Black poem.mp3
25 In silence we mourn poem.mp3
26 Sunshine upon the coast poem.mp3
27 Inhale exhale breathe poem.mp3
28 Tick tock clock poem.mp3
29 In the winter snows poem.mp3
30 Upon each step poem.mp3
31 Thinking of you poem.mp3
32 Throw my heart poem.mp3
33 The day poem.mp3
34 The best is yet to come poem.mp3
35 Strive poem.mp3
36 Oh for how the heart is enshrined
37 Life poem.mp3
38 What is the mind but a sea poem.mp3
39 Yellow and blue poem.mp3
40 Blank.mp3
41 Scream poem funk.mp3
42 Blank.mp3
43 London town poem.mp3

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