World solutions

The human body grows and dies continuously.

Unless you calculate every piece by age and from the beginning you cannot reach the truth.

If you cannot calculate properly then what is human age, it is a question mark, and equals zero as there is no truth. The human age is logically zero.

End of Right to bear arms
Ban bullets and carrying of bullets, reclaim bullets, give incentives for people to hand bullets back

Housing the homeless
Governments create a right to shelter law, force governments and local councils to house the homeless in Government owned buildings, in UK saving £1.7 billion per year.

Prevention of rape and sexual assault
Scrap the age of consent laws as human age cannot be defined to 100% accuracy.

Mobile phone app that can be used to call drones that respond rapidly and attack the rapist/attempted rapist in seconds, take video, search databases for information on attacker, contact the police, search attackers phone.

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